selling homes in slow economyWith the inventory of unsold homes at continued high levels, homeowners are going to great lengths to differentiate and distinguish their home. According to experts, there are a few simple tricks that can help create a more appealing space and a more attractive listing in today’s increasingly competitive market.

* Listing: What’s in a word?

When putting your home on the market, the right phrasing in your listing can be the key to attracting potential buyers. According to the 2008 MSN article, “What’s ‘beautiful’ worth? About $12,500” researchers have found that listings with the words “beautiful” or “gorgeous” sold homes 15 percent faster, while “landscaping” bumped sales 20 percent faster and “move-in condition” expedited the sale by 12 percent.

Contrary to popular belief, sellers should steer clear of words that highlight desperation such as “motivated” and “must sell.” The study found the inclusion of those words in the listing slowed sales by up to 30 percent.

* Branding: If you’ve got it, flaunt it.

Brand names create a point of differentiation and should be used as selling points for your home. There is no doubt that buyers will put more weight in brands they trust. If choosing to make upgrades before listing your home, consider quality, recognizable products because they will ultimately provide the best return.

“Our premier lines of hardwood flooring are appearing in listings along with top name appliances,” says Tom Sullivan, chairman and founder of Lumber Liquidators. “The inclusion of these trusted brands in the listing conveys quality and, in the case of Bellawood and its 50-year warranty, it also provides peace of mind.”

* Staging: The ultimate showcase showdown. [More About Staging]

When getting your home tidied up for potential buyers, there are some specific tips that will help your home appeal to a wider range of buyers.

* Cleaning: The number one rule of staging is to get rid of unwanted and unused items. Whether packed away until the sale or permanently donated, de-cluttering allows buyers to see more of the home. This also includes moving furniture out of rooms that may seem overcrowded. Less is always more.

* Neutralizing: When getting your home ready to sell, going neutral is the best way to go to appeal to the most buyers. Painting is one of the most cost-effective ways to transform a room back to its natural state. Warm neutral colors tend to be a stager’s preference because it keeps walls inviting while adding a touch of color in the room. Buyers can better imagine themselves living in a home when it is neutral.

* Landscaping: Although the inside of the home can create atmosphere, the first impression can be a lasting impression. The outside of the house will set the tone for what a buyer perceives is inside. Create a pleasant yard that is well-kept and full of life. Plants and flowers also should be brought inside the home to help accessorize and accent high traffic areas such as the kitchen and living room.

For more information about installing hardwood flooring, call (800) FLOORING or visit the Lumber Liquidators Website. ( ARAcontent)

Real Estate Investing Resources: CNY Property Listing, Homes Going Green , FSBO Property Listing, Investor Real Estate PDF Magazine, CNY Property

selling home in slow economyHow long have you had your home for sale? Have you listed your home with a number of agents, but still haven’t found the right buyer? There are a few things that are of the utmost importance if you want any chance of selling your home in this slowing economy.

First of all, price is still driving the market. If you have gone a month without any showings your price needs adjustments. Buyers today are very educated and know the market much better than they ever have before, and when they see a home that is overpriced, they are not going to look at it. Location, Location, Location is a popular saying in real estate, but I believe in this market it should be selling in a slow marketPrice, Price, Price. The homes that are priced right and competitively are going to get showings. Another way to know if your home is priced correctly is to get good feedback from showings. If the agents who are showing your home are telling your agent that the price is too high, this is a sign that something needs to be done.

Secondly, outdated homes rarely sell, and when they do they get beat up on price. So make sure your home is updated and looking great. Old furniture and old carpet needs to go, and if you can get a home stager in the home that is great. There are so many homes currently on the market that one bad feature will send the buyer looking elsewhere. One thing that I have seen a lot of is seller’s offering an allowance to buyer’s for updates on their home. The problem with this is that it is hard for a buyer to imagine what the home would look like with these upgrades. Most buyers will continue searching until they find a home with the updates made, and at a similar price.

Finally, quality pictures are important for marketing. When your Realtor comes to take pictures make sure he shows you what he takes. I find too many listings with dark, blurry, and unappealing pictures. There are still agents who think it is cleaver to take one picture of the outside, and leave what the inside looks to the buyer’s imagination. Too bad the buyer’s are imagining there must be something wrong with the home. Why else aren’t there pictures of the inside? The listings that are being shown the most are the ones with good, clear, and quality pictures.

If you decide to become motivated with your price, are willing to make the changes necessary to update your home, and have a Realtor who will take good pictures, then you have a great chance of selling your home even in this slow economy.

By Luke Bouman -Holland MI Real Estate – – – Source

Real Estate Buyer & Investor Resources: CNY Property Listing, FSBO Property Listing, Investor Property PDF Magazine